MYTHICON All Tickets Available at the Door and Online
February 13-15, 2026
Eisenhower Conference Center
2634 Emmitsburg Rd
Gettysburg, PA 17325
United States
February 13-15, 2026
Eisenhower Conference Center
2634 Emmitsburg Rd
Gettysburg, PA 17325
United States
Friday Masque of the Green Man
8:00 Fire Show with Ohio Burn Unit
9:00 Brinjal
10:00 Ocean Celtic Quartet
11:00 Frenchy and the Punk
after 12:00/Midnight
Bardo Brothers
Saturday Frost Faerie Ball
8:00 Fire Show with Ohio Burn Unit
9:00 27th Street Klezmer Band
10:00 Nathaniel Johnstone
After hours 12:00 Kindred Crow.
27th Street Klezmer Band
Billy Bardo & Bardo Brothers
Everybody Drum Circles
Frenchy & the Punk
Green Man March
Guitarmy of One
Nathaniel Johnstone Band
Kindred Crow
Maddie Cardoza
Mudge the Goblin
Mermaids Mythlantis
Ocean Celtic Quartet
Ogre Trading Post
River Barry
SJ Tucker
Sule Greg Wilson
Toadstool Trading Post
Tuatha Dea
And Many More!
2025 Mythicon Presentation Descriptions
(E) = Eisenhower (A) = Aspire
Mad Rumpus Parade - Parade with the fae and dragons to spread joy across the realm. We meet in the Mythic Music room to start, but you can join in along the way! Mythic Music, (A1)
Opening Ceremonies - Join us to open the realm and kick off the magic & myth of the weekend! Mythic Music, (A1)
Maughorn the Stray - Maugie the wandering minstrel sings stories and old favorites to get your toes tapping. Mythic Market, (E5)
Open Gaming Time - Come in and play your own games! Start your own DnD campaign or play an old fashioned board game! (E4)
Everybody Drum Circle - Ken Crampton - Bringing people together in danceable beats & groovy unification. Join us in rhythm, whether you drum regularly or are joining for the first time! All are welcome! Mythic Music, (A1)
Storytime with Flyleaf the Book Fairy - Sometimes Faerieland can get overwhelming and you need to sit and calm down for a bit. Come listen to some silly and whimsical tales of trolls, unicorns, and, of course, fairies! Flyleaf the Book Fairy’s stories are geared toward your littlest of pixies but creatures of all ages are welcome! Pool Deck, (E2)
Emily Quant - Guinness World Record holder, Emily Quant and her mythical harp music weaves a tapestry of song. Market Stage, (E5)
Myth-Conceptions & Myth-told Stories - Benjamin Kissell - A panel talk and discussion on the modern incarnations of myth and folklore in pop culture. Technology, (A3)
Hoop Dance - Soolah Hoops - Learn the basics of hoop dance and flow, along with tricks you can use to embellish your hoop flow! Bradley, (A2)
Kindred Crow - Acoustic pagan folk journey through mystery, magic, myth and mirth. Like their namesake, the Crows offer a musical mix of compelling beauty and mischievous storytelling. Mythic Music, (A1)
Storytime w/ Madame Renarde - Listen to stories of myth and magic. Pool Deck, (E)2
Compact Dreams - Jenny Davies-Reazor - ($20) Create your own small hand bound book, embellished with collage - a perfect receptacle for your dreams and ideas! Wainwright, (A4)
Maddie Cardoza - Queer singer/songwriter playing melancholic indie pop piano songs along with clarinet and bass sounds. Maddie is also a member of Nathaniel Johnstone’s band Field of Embers. Market Stage, (E5)
Animal Adventures - Cailin & Leigh Targaryen - Join a liveplay adventure through Animal Adventures, an adaptation of the DnD5e system featuring furry four-legged friends as the adventuring party. Edwardian, (E4)
Storytime w/ Maggie O - Maggie O’ tells stories from around the world, as well as her ancestral Ireland. Tales of faeries, merfolk & magical creatures have been shared by all indigenous peoples on every continent. Pool Deck, (E)2
Storytime w/ Flyleaf the Book Fairy - It’s Magical Storytime with Flyleaf the Book Fairy! Hear all about your favorite magical creatures getting into (and out of) silly hijinks with even sillier voices! Stories for All Ages! Pool Deck, (E2)
Rhythm ‘n’ Spirit: Joy on the Drummer’s Path - Sule Greg Wilson - Urban shaman, drummer, banjo player, & author of The Drummer’s Path will help us make a Better World with dancing, singing, stomping, stories and slap hands to enact the Mythos of Kundu Creation. Mythic Music, (A1)
The Other Green Man: Pageant, Performance, & Play - Wynken de Wordewose - Many think of the Green Man as a carving of a face surrounded by leaves. But there's another Green Man, a character performed for hundreds of in pageants & plays. We'll look at the long and fascinating history of this "other Green Man," from medieval pageants to the English Jack-in-the-Green & on to modern Renaissance & Faerie Festivals. Technology, (A3)
Behind The Mystery: A Look Into Cuban Santeria - Pamela Alexander - This is a light-hearted show and tell introduction to traditional Cuban Santeria. Learn about the Orishas and see their sacred objects. Bradley, (A2)
Weird & Magical Glass Art Demo - Karin Strawderman - Watch a live stained glass demonstration, to see the beauty found in pieces of broken glass morphed into magic. Halsey, (A5)
Round Robin Storytelling - Benjamin Kissell - Write short stories together with a shared theme/characters, rotating their pieces with their counterparts to continue the story and discover their voices. Edwardian, (E4)
Storytime w/ Madame Renarde - Listen to stories of myth and magic. Pool Deck, (E2)
SJ Tucker - The siren songstress spins stories through mythic melodies. Snazzy, jazzy fairytale folk rock! Mythic Music, (A1)
Green Man Mask Making - Jude Asher - Make your own greenman mask for the Green Man’s Masquerade or other festival fun! Wainwright, (a4)
The Man in the Hat - ….and a Guitar! Why is it all rhythm & blues, why can’t it be awkward & happy? Market Stage (E5)
How Folklore Happens - Matt Lake - A deep dive into how three local legends caught on. Featuring the Goatman, the Blink Man, and the elusive Midget Village aka Tiny Town. Technology, (A3)
Gus: The Man, The Myth, The Legend - Gus the Gnome - Tales of the travels and adventures of the Gnome of Unusual Size. Halsey, (A5) Followed by a GNOME PARTY!!!
Emily Quant - Be serenaded by the ethereal harp of two time Guiness World record holder, Emily Quant. Market Stage, (E5)
Basics of Role Playing Games - Pax Girdsman - Learn how to design games, from mechanics to narratives, including basic game theory, rolling statistics, alternative task resolution systems, and tools to make the games you're already playing faster and easier to play. Edwardian, (E4)
Storytime w/ Madame Renarde - Listen to stories of myth and magic. Pool Deck, (E2)
Kindred Crow - An acoustic pagan folk journey through mystery, magic, myth and mirth. Like their namesake, the Crows offer a musical mix that strikes a balance of compelling beauty, resonant storytelling, and more than a little mischief. Mythic Music, (A1)
Crafting with the Fairie MerMother - Make a decoupaged oyster shell trimmed with gold to tempt the merfolk & pirates with or to add to your own treasure hold. Pool Deck, (E2)
Wish Jar Pendant Making - Jennifer Dunigan - ($5 per pendant) Bottle an intention or wish and carry it with you in a pendant or ornament! This class will also give you the basics for creating your own wish jars. Wish jars are excellent for focusing and manifesting a change or aspect you wish to bring into your home or your life. Wainwright, (A4)
Coping With Cons: Attending Events as DisabiliFAE - A roundtable discussion focusing on improving the experience of events for those with disabilities. Technology, (A3)
The Man in the Hat - ….and a Guitar! Why is it all rhythm & blues, why can’t it be awkward & happy? Market Stage (E5)
River Barry Bubble Magic Show - Be mesmerized by the magic of bubble magician River Barry, Mythic Music, (A1)
Raising the Sacred Fire: Raising Energy in Spirit - Shauna Knight - Explore ritual structure and flow, energetic intention, and engaging participation with chanting, movement, rhythm, and group connection. Experienced ritualists will learn tools to facilitate more potent rituals and discuss what works and why. New ritualists will learn foundations of ritual work. Bradley, (A2)
Write to the End: Conversation with Robert Turk. - A conversation with Robert Turk about his writing and design process, where he finds inspiration, and how to get through the slog to actually finish your project!. Edwardian, (E4)
Storytime with Flyleaf the Book Fairy - Sometimes Faerieland can get overwhelming and you need to sit and calm down for a bit. Come listen to some silly and whimsical tales of trolls, unicorns, and, of course, fairies! Flyleaf the Book Fairy’s stories are geared toward your littlest of pixies but creatures of all ages are welcome! Pool Deck, (E2)
Maughorn the Stray Sing Along - Maugie the wandering minstrel who sings stories and old favorites that get your toes tapping along. Market Stage, (E3)
Guitarmy of One - Surf rockabilly meets spy music, with the talented Scott Helland. Market Stage, (E5)
Mermaid Meet & Greet - Meet our Mythlantis Merfolk, both in the water and on the pool deck. They can answer questions about their underwater adventures, and they may even have a shiny gift for you! Pool, (E1)
Magical Flower Making - Karin Strawderman - Make beautiful blooms out of tissue paper & bring the colors of spring to a winter day. Pool Deck, (E2)
Everybody Drum Circle - Bringing the people together in danceable beats & groovy unification. Mythic Music, (A1)
Crafting and Artful Life - Shane & Leah Odom - Exploring the journey behind creating an arts & crafts business. Leah & Shane Odom are full time professional artisans living the mythic life. Technology, (A3)
Practical Stabbing: A Hands-on Needle Felting Class - Wolfie Strub - ($25) This hands-on class will provide everything you need to make your first felted piece, a tiny green kitty. Tools provided to continue the stabbing journey! Wainwright, (A4)
Intro to Belly Dancing - Amira Iliza - Explore the mystery and grace of belly dance! In this workshop you’ll learn basic moves and string them together in a fun and simple choreography. All levels are welcome. Bring a hip scarf or coin belt and join in! Bradley (A2)
Storytime with Maeve - Maeve the Mt. Gretna Mermaid - Meet Maeve & hear the story of how she made new friends while exploring the ocean. Pool Deck, (E2)
Mad Rumpus Parade - Join in the fun by dancing with dragons, bringing the beats and parade through the realm of Mythicon. The parade kicks off and ends by the main stage. Mythic Music, (A1)
Overcoming Creative Block - Viðar O'Brien - Pursue the same passion project with a different medium, dissolving the fear of failure and perfectionism. This method allows the creator to play with their project from a totally fresh perspective, allowing them to generate more ideas and constructive critiques of their primary work. Edwardian, (E4)
Tea Time with Sealeigh - Tea under the sea is better when it’s wetter (though much harder to drink). Visit with Sealeigh & hear her tales, maybe play a game or two. Pool Deck, (E2)
KIVA - Using mythological stories & images, KIVA weaves a rainbow tapestry of ancient cultures & natural imagery into energizing mystical folk music for all ages. Mythic Music, (A1)
History of Faerie Festivals - Rob & Lucy Wood - Listen to the story of the Spoutwood Fairie Festival & how it grew a community as well as a culture. Presented by the founders of Spoutwood, Rob & Lucy Wood. Technology, (A3)
Aubergine Faeries - Bringing the magic from Fairyland (aka Baltimore) to the Mythicon Stage! We love you! Market Stage, (E5)
Mythlantis Games - These games are suited for children, teens, adults, and merfolk, sea creatures, and pirates alike! You can participate in team games, games of skill, and fun challenges. Light-hearted medals and prizes will be awarded! Pool & Deck, (E1, E2)
SJ Tucker Glow Hour - The siren songstress spins stories through mythic melodies. Snazzy, jazzy fairytale folk rock! Executive, (E3)
Modern Gaming: Equal Opportunity for Fun - Robert Turk - Author and Game Designer Robert Turk talks about making a better ttRPG experience by setting group expectations, using safety tools, and winging it to follow the 'fun'. Edwardian, (E4)
Rhythm ‘n’ Spirit: Joy on the Drummer’s Path - Sule Greg Wilson - Urban shaman, drummer, banjo player, & author of The Drummer’s Path will help us make a Better World with dancing, singing, stomping, stories and slap hands to enact the Mythos of Kundu Creation. Mythic Music, (A1)
It's Gotta Have a Hook - Ori Storyteller - The Best Game Show about Bad Books you never knew you wanted! Market Stage, (E5)
It Makes a Village - Alyssa Spencer - ($7) Join me on a journey of my world building process and methods and explore some prompts to start your own. Wainwright, (A4)
Storytime with Flyleaf the Book Fairy - Sometimes Faerieland can get overwhelming and you need to sit and calm down for a bit. Come listen to some silly and whimsical tales of trolls, unicorns, and, of course, fairies! Flyleaf the Book Fairy’s stories are geared toward your littlest of pixies but creatures of all ages are welcome! Pool Deck, (E2)
The Green Man: Pagan God or Folk Saint? - Wynken de Wordewose - Exploring the Green Man’s roots in pagan belief and iconography, its adaptation as a church image in the middle ages, and its uses in today's world as a symbolic idea and a folk saint for people of many religions and no religion. Technology, (A3)
Fashion Show -Show off your merfolk finery, pirate pizzazz, or sea creature costuming at the fashion show! This is NOT a contest, but it is a great time to walk the aqua carpet & show us how fabulous/fun/cute/scary you are! This event is on dry land, so if you need a handler to get you down the fish walk (no cat walks here) you still have time to work it out.Sign up at Mythicon at the registration desk until 3:00 Saturday. Sea you all soon! Pool Deck, (E2)
Frenchy and the Punk - This world-famous dynamic duo make melodies with punk & pagan vibes will rock your socks off! Mythic Music, (A1)
Introduction to the Flow Arts - Ohio Burn Unit - Learn some basics of flow arts, try new techniques, & pick the brains of the Ohio Burn Unit & 19 Guinness World Record holder, Schuyler White. Bradley, (A2)
Krampus Carols with Matt Lake - Come one naughty, come nice, as Saint Nicholas leads us in an interactive musical celebration. We will sing selections from Krampus Carols Ancient and Modern. Best of all--nobody will get stuffed in a sack and carried off! Market Stage, (E5)
Belly Dance for Every Body - In this workshop, you will get to learn belly dance movement, technique, core strength and a fun choreography. No previous knowledge is necessary. Appropriate for all ages. Executive, (E3)
Such Stuff As Dreams are Made On… - Benjamin Kissell - What drives us to tell stories and connect through them? How do we translate the images and dreams of our imagination into tangible, shared experiences for our audience? Edwardian, (E4)
Collage Magic & Mystery - Jenny Davies-Reazor - ($25) Join Jenny at this free drop in session to create a one of a kind collage! Participants will browse resources for images that speak to them,using found images, magazine, decorative paper. Cut & paste, create & play! Wainwright, (A4)
Ask a Professional Mermaid - Maeve the Mt. Gretna Mermaid - You’ve got mermaid questions, we’ve got mermaid answers. Come ask Maeve, the Mt. Gretna Mermaid questions about getting safely started in the hobby of mermaiding, best equipment selection for beginners, or any other burning mermaid questions that you’ve been too afraid to ask.. Technology, (A3)
Maughorn the Stray - Maugie the wandering minstrel who sings stories and old favorites that get your toes tapping along. Market Stage, (E5)
Storytime w/ Madame Renarde - Listen to stories of myth and magic. Pool Deck, (E2)
Aubergine Faeries - Bringing the magic from Fairyland (aka Baltimore) to the Mythicon Stage! We love you! Executive, (E3)
Mission of Faerie Roundtable with Rob & Lucy Wood - An open discussion on the bigger questions about who we are, what we create together, & how we impact our world through the magic we make together. Bradley, (A2)
The Hero's Journey: Intro to D&D - Brooke Lyons - Dungeons & dragons intro/character creation workshop for gameplay to take those characters on a test run. Edwardian, (E4)
Sound Bath Nidra - Michael Feifer - Soundbath consisting of gongs/drums/shakers/ rain sticks/ bells/ singing bowls and hand pan, mixed with spoken guided meditation and chanting. Executive, (E3)
Coffee & Collages - Jenny Davies-Reazor - Come start your morning with a little creative play! Collage materials will be available: images, magazines, decorative papers. Just stop by with your willingness to snip, tear, and glue! Event is BYOB, so tea drinkers are also welcome. Wainwright, (A4)
Maughorn the Stray - Maugie the wandering minstrel who sings stories and old favorites that get your toes tapping along. Market Stage, (E5)
Merfolk Meet & Greet - Meet our Mythlantis Merfolk both in the water and on the pool deck. They can answer questions about their underwater adventures, and they may even have a shiny gift for you! Pool, (E1)
Storytime w/ Maggie O - Maggie O’ ‘s ancestral roots lie deep in dear ‘ole Ireland, a land rich with the traditions of storytelling & is also well versed in stories from around the world as stories of faeries, merfolk & magical creatures have been shared by all indigenous peoples on every continent. Pool Deck, (E2)
River Barry Bubble Magic Workshop - River Barry - Learn basic bubble magic techniques with magician River Barry. Mythic Music, (A1)
History of the Mythic Arts - Shane Odom - Journey with us as we explore the Mythic Arts as a movement. From our roots in deep time, through the influence of history, and among today's creators. Technology, (A3)
SWORDS! A History - Pax Girdsman - A brief history of swords & their study throughout war, dueling, reenactment and sport. Discussion includes various swords throughout history, why they are impractical but fun, how we're learning how they were used, & why they occupy so much of our pop culture. Bradley, (A2)
Rhythm ‘n’ Spirit: Joy on the Drummer’s Path - Sule Greg Wilson - Urban shaman, drummer, banjo player, & author of The Drummer’s Path will help us make a Better World with dancing, singing, stomping, stories and slap hands to enact the Mythos of Kundu Creation. Mythic Market, (E5)
Indie Game Design: Start with a Story - Robert Turk - Award-winning author and game designer, Robert Turk, gives advice about writing, designing, and running role-playing games based on the core principles of simply telling a good story. Edwardian, (E4)
Storytime with Flyleaf the Book Fairy - Sometimes Faerieland can get overwhelming and you need to sit and calm down for a bit. Come listen to some silly and whimsical tales of trolls, unicorns, and, of course, fairies! Flyleaf the Book Fairy’s stories are geared toward your littlest of pixies but creatures of all ages are welcome! Pool Deck, (E2)
Sacred Sound: Advanced Chanting & Trancing Techniques - Shauna Knight - Together we will experience how the ecstatic energy of sound, rhythm, and movement can add depth to ritual, & explore chants that are musically engaging yet simple enough for groups to learn. Techniques addressed include finding and strengthening your voice, encouraging groups to sing, and adding simple harmony lines, drums, or other instruments. All skill levels welcome. Executive, (E3)
27th Street Klezmer Band - Baltimore-based dance ensemble bridging together high-energy klezmer & swing music. Mythic Music (A1)
Give It a Whorl - Wolfie Strub -($25) In this hands-on beginner’s class, you'll learn the basics of spinning yarn on a drop spindle! This ancient and ultra-portable fiber arts technique allows you to create all kinds of handmade yarns. We’ll do actual spinning and discuss terminology and next steps. Wainwright, (A4)
Vampires: Sexy Beasts or Real Monsters? - Matt Lake - This illustrated talk by the author of Weird Pennsylvania (a former stage Dracula) takes us on a romp through two centuries of world legends, including thwarted loves & desires of famous creators from the worlds of literature & performing arts. Technology, (A3)
Sharpen Your Stage Presence - Schuyler White - Have you been working on your flow skills, but want to take your game to the next level? Join 19 Guinness World Record holder Schuyler White to learn how to stand out on stage & captivate your audience! Bradley (A2)
It's Gotta Have a Hook - Ori Storyteller - The Best Game Show about Bad Books you never knew you wanted! Market Stage, (E5)
Magical Flower Making - Karin Strawderman - Make beautiful blooms out of tissue paper & bring the colors of spring to a winter day. Pool Deck, (E2)
SJ Tucker - The siren songstress spins stories through mythic melodies. Snazzy, jazzy fairytale folk rock! Mythic Music, (A1)
Open Swim & PA Pod Meetup - Bring your tails, towels and suits and share the pool with us! Reminder: there is no lifeguard, so swimming is at your own risk. Pool, (E1)
Open Gaming Time - Come in and play your own games! Start your own DnD campaign or play an old fashioned board game! (E4)
Recycle & Reimagine - Alyssa Spencer - ($7) Build your own fairy house from unconventional, vintage, and recycled materials and explore this creative process of transforming trash into whimsical art. Wainwright, (A4)
Emily Quant - Be serenaded by the ethereal harp of two time Guiness World record holder, Emily Quant. Market Stage, (E5)
Storytime with Flyleaf the Book Fairy - Sometimes Faerieland can get overwhelming and you need to sit and calm down for a bit. Come listen to some silly and whimsical tales of trolls, unicorns, and, of course, fairies! Flyleaf the Book Fairy’s stories are geared toward your littlest of pixies but creatures of all ages are welcome! Pool Deck, (E2)
Maughorn the Stray Glow & Sing Along - Maugie the wandering minstrel who sings stories and old favorites that get your toes tapping along. Executive, (E3)
Tuatha Dea - Progressive Americana band with a Rock edge, Celtic-Appalaichian influence, & fearless attitude for pushing the boundaries of modern roots music. Mythic Music, (A1)
Introduction to Runes - Pax Girdsman - Runes are fantastical symbols, with a tremendous history behind them. They occupy a complex part of modern culture, and are part of both esoteric, political and popular movements. Learn the history of runes, the meanings of the earliest collection of runes, and how to help keep runes for everyone. Technology, (A3)
Mythical Writings w/ Authors of Mythicon - Mythicon Authors chat about how and why they drew on the mythology and folklore they did for their novels. Bradley, (A2)
Closing Ceremony
Mythicon is the mid-winter gathering of the magical folk of the faerie realm. Faeries, trolls, goblins, gnomes, mermaids and other mythical creatures come together to push back the winter blues and plant the seed for a new mythical year at a three day weekend event. Celebrate the renewing energy of winter and the promise of spring with merriment and mirth of the con.
This is our second year at this scale of an event! We have been 10 years in the making! Starting off as a Mythic Ball at Eyeclopes Studios in FXBG, VA. It grew into the Frost Faerie Gathering and now the Frost Faerie Ball! We have moved the celebration to Gettysburg, PA! Closer to WVA, VA, DC, MD and PA! Closer to the larger communities of fantastically talented artists, musicians and patrons!
Immerse yourself in a family friendly experience that allows each of us to interact as our own characters in the stories we tell!
The success of our realm depends on community help! If you are interested in volunteering your time for a taste of the Mythicon experience? Apply here!
Sponsor Mythicon and help us make magic! Sponsorships help bring in more artists, support our realm building, and create a unique experience for everyone invovled. Businesses large and small, groups and individuals interested in making this happen can sponsor us at multiple levels. Thank you for considering us!
We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you. Thank you for your time, your support, and donations that makes this possible!
We are dedicated to improving the lives of those in our community. Your contribution today helps us make a difference.
We envision a world where everyone has equal opportunities to thrive and succeed. At MYTHICON, we work towards creating a more just and equitable society by advocating for policies that promote artists and their art while contributing to promotions.
if you’d like to contribute art please submit inquiries below.
Frame Art by Steven Warrick, Ken Crampton, Jesse Pollman
photography credits, if you fell you should be credited please contact Ken Crampton at modermythicon@gmail.com
Angie Underwood, Kara Gill, Laura Harris, Steven Freeman, Ken Crampton, Cat Le Fey, Kathleen Mae, Bibi Hahn, Linda Toki, Randy Traini,
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